What is Holistic Physical Therapy?
Holistic Physical Therapy is a way towards healing using extensive knowledge and science of the body with one’s personal journey and a practitioner’s deep intuition and creativity. Incorporating one's diet/nutrition, sleep, mental health, sexual health and overall lifestyle we’ll work towards wholeness together.

The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.

Flora Cohen is an experienced Physical Therapist committed to a holistic, functional approach to your own needs and healing.

From Flora...

I have a true passion for tapping into the body's potential to heal itself. As a manual physical therapist my goals are to facilitate the body's inner ability to protect, cure and prevent further breakdown and injury. With each session offering one-to-one care, treatment is driven to tailor each session to your current and chronic conditions that may be causing a return of symptoms. My goal is not to allow your body to just function but thrive and return to what you love to do.
I take pride in providing a setting that offers personalized treatment focusing on understanding your movement patterns, habitual postures and even belief systems affecting your overall health and wellness. I’ve learned that addressing your unique personal goals are best achieved through constant dialogue between us, which is so often unseen in generalized PT practices. Clients often come to me committed to finding answers after relentless pursuits where they have had unsuccessful outcomes. Combining my expertise and adequate time allows me to be specific and do the true detective work necessary for a results-driven practice, resulting in healing and even transformation.